Test your assumptions. Pilot your ideas. Refine your program model. Translate your ideas into action.

The LearnServe Incubator supports students as they refine, launch, and scale their social ventures.  Following LearnServe’s adaptation of the Lean Startup entrepreneurship model, students engage in customer discovery, create a minimum viable product, reflect on program sustainability, and pitch their ideas at a culminating business plan competition.  Each participant is paired with a mentor to accompany them through the program.

The LearnServe Incubator is a virtual, global program.  We welcome applications from LearnServe Fellows Program alumni in the Washington, DC region; Lusaka, Zambia; and Asuncion, Paraguay.  Other young people with emerging social ventures are also invited to apply.

Watch our students in action below!


Through LearnServe’s guidance, my anger turned into passion and my passion turned into action.LearnServe Incubator student Noah

Get Involved +


The LearnServe Incubator program is designed for graduates of the LearnServe Fellows and Global Summer Fellowship Programs seeking to grow their social ventures and refine their leadership and entrepreneurship skills.  We will also consider other applications from other emerging social entrepreneurs.


The program meets weekly, September through March, on Saturdays 10am-12noon ET on Zoom.  We alternate between deep-dive content sessions, mentor sessions, and guest speakers.


To remove any financial barriers to participating in our programming, we have transitioned to a sliding scale tuition model for the LearnServe Fellows Program. With this model, no participant will be turned away due to a family’s financial situation.


LearnServe Incubator students (‘17) Zoha (left) and Hannah (right) run a book drive for their social venture HER Education that builds libraries at girls schools in Pakistan.

For Our Community

Are you currently part of the LearnServe Incubator? Stay up-to-date with the meeting schedule, deadlines, assignments, and supplemental materials.  We’ll see you at the next LearnServe event!

Have a question? Contact us for more information.