


     LearnServe Abroad  


LearnServe Abroad student reads a book to children at the Chikumbuso Women and Orphan’s Project in Lusaka, Zambia.

The LearnServe Zambia program immerses high school students in local efforts on micro-finance, social enterprise, education, and community development. Our students work alongside dynamic community leaders and social entrepreneurs, to deepen their understanding of Zambian solutions to global issues. They conduct human centered design workshops with in-country peers to develop relevant service projects.

Why Zambia? +

A landlocked country in southern Africa, Zambia shares one of the natural wonders of the world–Victoria Falls–with Zimbabwe and Botswana. Among the poorest of world nations, more than 70% of Zambians live in poverty, earning a per-capita annual income of US $395. Yet Zambia is a country of hope: welcoming, politically stable, with a wealth of organizations and individuals making a difference in their communities.

LearnServe Zambia focuses on the HIV/AIDS crisis in Africa–how it impacts all of us, and how local organizations are addressing the challenge with solutions that work.

What happens on the LearnServe Zambia trip? +

  • Work with Greenpop’s Zambia program Trees for Zambia to plant trees and learn about environmental degradation and reclamation
  • Meet Africa Directions, a youth-led group using drumming and dance as a medium to spread awareness about HIV/AIDS
  • Learn from Daughters’ Vision, a girls’ empowerment organization and alternative school

Community Partners

Trees for Zambia/Greenpop

Daughters' Vision

Important Dates and Apply +

In 2020 LearnServe teams will travel to Jamaica, Paraguay, South Africa, and Zambia.  The three-week trips will depart late June; pre-travel training sessions will be held on Saturdays throughout the spring semester and include an overnight retreat. There are three post-trip meetings September – October in which participants prepare action plans and share their experiences with their schools and communities.

Costs +

Cost of Trip: $4,950 (does not include passport, visa fees, or vaccinations) Listed prices are estimates and subject to change at time of airline ticket purchase.

Financial Aid is available. Any participant or school unable to cover the full cost of the program should email Director Sabine Keinath.