
Greeting parents, students and teachers at the LearnServe Farewell Reception, you could feel the excitement mixed with anxiety emanating in the room. In just 4 days we embark on an 18 day service learning trip to Zambia. For some families, this marks the first time their child has been separated from them. For most, this will be their first trip to Africa; For a hand-full of us we are returning to a place we have come to love. Participants of LearnServe Zambia 08 represent nine public, private and charter schools throughout the Washington, DC area. Our focus in Zambia will be on HIV/AIDS, vulnerable and orphaned children due to HIV/AIDS, education and access to clean water. While in Zambia, our group of 12 teachers and 13 students will work with five organizations: Chikumbuso Community Center, World Bicycle Relief, David Kaunda National Technical School, PlayPumps and Malambo Basic Schools. All of these organizations have a unique means in which they have responded to the HIV/AIDS crisis in Zambia. After months of preparation and fund-raising, our bags are packed. We are ready to learn and work and excited to share our experiences with you.

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