“I never thought I’d be above the clouds”

What a long flight! We departed from Dulles airport at about 11:30 PM and I did not know what to expect. All 26 of us loaded the plane with our matching red LearnServe shirts excited and ready to go. This was my first plane ride. I did not know what to expect because everyone told me what it would be like based on their own flight experience, but I had to experience it myself to understand. Once we all checked in and loaded the plane I began to have mixed feelings. I never thought I would be above the clouds. Once all the seatbelts were buttoned and the pilot took off I noticed that I had nothing to be afraid of because I was traveling with a purpose and I would not let a little plane ride stop me from serving that purpose.

We arrived in London at about 11:30 AM according to their time and they are 5 hours ahead of the U.S. I spent most of my time at Heathrow with the others meeting some of the cool people who were traveling to different places or just at work. We also played games like Apples to Apples. We were supposed to leave London at about 7:00 PM but we had a 2 hour flight delay which was disappointing.

Today we arrived in Zambia at about 7:15 this morning and sleep has not been a good subject for me. I was so anxious once getting off the plane because I didn’t know what to expect. Once we were at the airport a van came to take us "home" as we call it. We all piled in and once the gate to our new home opened I thought I was in heaven it was so pretty. Boys and teachers are in one house and girls and teachers are in the other house. Finally, we are in Zambia to serve a purpose and that is much better than being on top of the clouds!

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