David Kaunda Day 1

Wow, the very first word that comes to my mind when I think about the students from David Kaunda Technical High School. The students along with the teachers gave the LearnServe Zambia participants a tour of the campus that houses 10-12th grade students from Zambia. The students that we met today are without a doubt impressive, hungry for knowledge, and respect the art of education. For example, Gideon is approaching his year of completion at David Kaunda (DK) hopes to pursue a career as a Zambian lawyer. During my conversation with this extremely mature young man I never would have thought that he was just 18 years old. Gideon holds the title as Head Boy for the school and is a member of the drama club.

After we all arrived back to the conference room from our tour the drama club put on a performance about HIV, recited a poem, rapped, and sent us off with a dance. The performance about HIV was brief but powerful. The students proved that with little to no props, words partnered with emotion and conviction can grab the attention of an audience one or many.

After the performances we were given the opportunity to ask the drama club members’ questions. One of the LearnServe participants asked the students if they went to different locations to spread their HIV awareness message. Before the students responded to the question the majority of them put their head down. I am not sure why they put their head down, but their responses were as such, “If we had the opportunity, we would,” said the young man who played the drum during the rap. The female student who displayed one of her many talents through rap said, “If we were given the chance.” These two short responses struck a core in me that sent all kinds of emotions. I wanted to ask right then and there, “What can we do to create the opportunity? What do you need?” Rather than ask the questions to the entire drama club I patiently waited to ask the Head Boy, Gideon. When Gideon was sitting by himself I simply asked him the two questions mentioned above. He told me that they needed transportation, finances, and something to leave the people in the community after they inform them about HIV. We always hear that it takes a village to raise a child, but the child that is raised can change the community or the world. Maybe we can implement a plan of action to help support the students at David Kaunda reach their community and spread their HIV awareness message.

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