Day 2: David Kaunda National Technical High School

Our second day at David Kaunda National Technical High School was highly influential for my fellow peers as well as myself. This day left a new perception of individuals my age from another country, which consisted of the fact that these students were no different from students at my school (Wilson High School) and me.

Similarities were discovered right and left as we all spent more time together discussing questions we had for each other. At one point after I walked into one of the classrooms, exchanged names, and started to interact with the students it felt as if I were back at home in one of my own classrooms but, of course with new people. When we first entered the campus grounds I looked around and observed others as their facial expressions indicated that some were nervous, some didn’t know what expect but, myself, as we entered the open gates I did the same with a open mind (as I do with all new experiences).

Phenomenal could describe this day. These students left such of a strong impression simply by demonstrating their talents and ability to be so welcoming/friendly. I’m strongly encouraged to participate in many extracurricular activities, such as the drama club, and to demonstrate, myself, how welcoming I can be. Also, come fall I will become an entirely different student. Seeing and observing how focused and serious these students are about how I strive to be as a student encourages to become better because to them education is a privilege.

4 thoughts on “Day 2: David Kaunda National Technical High School

  1. It just touches to see my young brothers I left two years ago.I am now in cuba studying Architecture.It is true that education is a priviledge to us.

    1. hey cherry.i've looking for you everywhere.I am still in china doing medicine.keep in touch. look for me on facebook…jeff mukie

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