David Kaunda Visit

Who would have thought kids from different sides of the world and the equator, could come together as one? When we first met the students at David Kaunda (DK) we were a little skeptical and nervous. We were uncertain about what to expect, but everything just flowed, it was like reuniting with old relatives. We had such a good time with them at school we decided to invite them to our “HOME”.

After a long day of building bikes for the World Bicycle Relief, we came home to relax. We were unaware that we were having company and were truly excited to see the van pull up with our new friends that we never thought we would see again. Once they arrived we went outside to greet them. Afterwards we came inside and talked about how much we missed each other. Four days away from them felt like years apart.

They welcomed us to their school with open arms, so it was important for us to do the same. Since pizza is an American delicacy we decided to share it with them. We all had our favorites and Wezi was mine. He taught me how to play crazy eights and we talked for a while. After eating we gave the females from DK a tour of the female house.

The night went well and we all had a lovely time. I really wanted to give my partner Kunda a gift but I had nothing to give. This experience here in Africa is truly one to remember and I hope they remember us. I would like to sign off with the name my African friend gave me,



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