Not just a guest

When I first got to Paraguay, I had the feeling that I might be somewhat accepted into the families I was staying with. But, I didn’t expect anything like what I´ve experienced in my few weeks of being here. For example, the parents consider me their son and not just a guest. They give me love and care just like they do with their real kids. They constantly wonder if you’re alright and where you are.

All this love is making me feel many things: confusion, acceptance, compassion, comfortable, and much more. Everyone here is just so kind to you. When you walk by, everyone says “hi,” and asks how you are, no matter if they know you or not. It’s just amazing to me how people can let complete strangers into their houses just to get out of the rain and how protective the kids down here are of me and the group. It makes me wonder would I do that if the opportunity arose. It’s kind of weird, but at the same time it’s flattering how the people here want to know everything about you. They love to hear about your likes, your dislikes, and all of your deepest thoughts.

Since I have arrived here, I have done many things. I’ve shown how Americans truly are. Americans are not all like the stereotypes people have: unintelligent people-loving war-who only party-and don’t care about anything. I have worked, played, and danced a lot together with other Paraguayans. My Spanish has improved thanks to this trip and all of my teachers young and old.

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