The Mural in Monze

I have to say it felt really good to create something that would bring joy to a child’s face, and that is exactly what we did in Monze. We created a map of Africa with Zambia highlighted in metallic gold. We painted the mural in the side of the Malambo School in Monze.

The mural consisted of the continent of Africa, a motif border, and a quote in calligraphy.

I worked on the mural everyday while on the farm. Day one we transferred the stencil of Africa on to the wall, along with that I also transferred the motif design for the border. Day two we started to paint Africa, I painted Ghana and Nigeria, the countries of my ancestors. Later that day the group started to paint certain shapes in out of the design in the border. Finally on day three we finished painting the border and started to use a sponging technique to fill in the space where the calligraphy would be placed.

In the end we finished the project with great success. We used a polychromatic color scheme, which is using the shades and tints of many colors. I hope that our mural will bring happiness and joy to all the children at the Malambo School and on the farm back in Monze. I finally now believe the quote “It feels better to give than receive.”

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