Announcing LSI

A new name, a new look

LearnServe International (LSI) is an independent non-profit that continues to build upon the success of the Fellows and Trips programs started by the Center for International Education at Washington International School (CIE at WIS).

A joint press release outlining our new partnership with the WIS follows:


The Center for International Education (CIE) at Washington International School (WIS) and LearnServe International (LSI) are pleased to announce a new partnership fostering internationalism in schools. CIE, under the direction of Kate Meenan-Waugh, will remain at the forefront of WIS’s efforts to foster students’ and teachers’ global consciousness and citizenship. LSI, headed by Hugh Riddleberger, will focus on student leadership and its LearnServe programs in developing regions in the world.


Launched in October 2003 with the conference Educating for Responsible World Citizenship and led by Mr. Riddleberger beginning in 2004, CIE’s activities grew to include: yearly symposia focused on global issues; the Fellows program, which helps students build a foundation for socially-responsible entrepreneurship; and LearnServe trips, where students and teachers gain first-hand experience dealing with the challenges faced by developing countries.

A Partnership

The growth and significant expansion of programs has now led to the creation of LSI, which will manage the LearnServe and Fellows programs, promoting internationalism in public and non-public schools. CIE will continue to advance the school’s global initiatives, hold regular symposia, sponsor international travel in support of curricular and service goals, and create a global online learning community devoted to addressing critical international issues.

Both organizations will work toward developing international awareness and responsiveness in education and strive to develop and strengthen best practices in teaching about key themes and problems facing the world. CIE and LSI will also collaborate on efforts involving teachers, students, and schools in the Washington, DC area.