LearnServe Trips Depart

Photo from LSZ '09

Zambia and Paraugay teams
at the reception
(Photo: Christopher Barclay)

Fifty students and teachers departed on LearnServe’s Trips programs to Zambia and Paraguay today for 18 days. Representing twenty schools from the DC area, these travelers will experience the issues facing the developing world, from inadequate education, to community development and health issues. They will see and work on solutions with local leaders and explore the question, “How do we bring sustainable change, and how are we connected as a global community?”

Follow the Zambia and Paraguay blogs where we will post first-hand accounts and photos from the teams in the field every few days.

2 thoughts on “LearnServe Trips Depart

  1. i got a chance to interview some students from learn serve on saturday june 27th and i feel they are a group of intelligent young people. A group that wants to break the barrier of misunderstanding. i hope that with your visit to zambia, you had a chnace of learnign and understnading different cultures and the way we live. am sure we also learnt alot from you guys. thank you for taking time to visit us and understand us better.

    Siphiwe Mphanza,
    MUVI TV journalist, Z Kids News departments

  2. i got a chance to interview some students from learn serve on saturday june 27th and i feel they are a group of intelligent young people. A group that wants to break the barrier of misunderstanding. i hope that with your visit to zambia, you had a chnace of learnign and understnading different cultures and the way we live. am sure we also learnt alot from you guys. thank you for taking time to visit us and understand us better.

    Siphiwe Mphanza,
    MUVI TV journalist, Z Kids News departments

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