Anxiously Waiting

Malambo school

During my 3-day pre-trip I drove down to Monze (2 ½ hours south of Zambia’s capitol, Lusaka) and met with the teachers of Malambo School. This picture has Mr. Mwetwee (the principal), Ms. Loveness Maambo and Audrey Chimbwe standing in front of their new School Kitchen built with donations from last years LSZ group.

For the past 3 days I have met with all of our counterparts here in Zambia, prepared rooms, gone grocery shopping, played with children and enjoyed meals with friends – all of whom are excited to welcome this year’s LearnServe Zambia Group.

After 24 hours on 2 airplanes making 4 stops, the group arrives this afternoon – 2:15 pm Zambian time – 8:15 am DC time. This year’s LSZ group represents 10 public, private and charter schools throughout DC. We are 15 students accompanied by 9 teachers, including myself. We will spend the next 18 days building bicycles with World Bicycle Relief, attending and teaching classes at a local high school, building a garden at a Play Pumps site, teaching classes to students at a farm school while camping on the farm, celebrating Malambo School’s 60th birthday with the school and doing 3-days of arts, crafts and sports with children from Chikumbuso.

Please join us over the next few weeks and read anecdotes from our experiences. We will be blogging regularly with hopes to share what we have learned.

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