Lights out

Bright and early on Friday, June 20, the 24 students and teachers of Learn-Serve Zambia 2009 embarked on the long journey to Africa. They were 22 hours en route, and when they arrived in Lusaka, the group was tired, but still eager. There was just enough time for a quick bus tour of the city.

Photo from LSZ '09

Ayende writes his reflections
by candle light

When the group returned to its quarters at Juls Guest House, there was an immediate reminder that this was a developing country—the power was out. The students and teachers recorded their reflections on the first day by candle- and flash light. Rachel, a rising 11th grader, had an especially interesting contribution to the first night’s discussion, and we made it the subject of our first blog entry:

I was told by my parents that I had been on a plane when I was two years old. I do not remember that a bit. Twenty-four hours ago was the first time I can actually remember flying. It was THE FIRST TIME I HAD BEEN ON A PLANE.

I wasn’t just on a plane, I was on a plane on my way out of the country to what I call THE MOTHERLAND, Zambia to be exact. There I was on Ethiopian Airlines awaiting lift off. I attempted to prepare myself for lift off with a nice friendly prayer and a quick meditation. While I thought I was preparing myself the plane began to go faster and faster. Before I knew it I was off the ground! Let’s not forget the butterflies already stationed and made at home in my stomach before I even placed foot on the plane. Once the plane took off, it felt like the butterflies were riding a rollercoaster! I gasped and my ears never stopped popping.

I am grateful to have experienced being on a plane and know that I will never forget it. I can’t wait to make a difference in Zambia and I am ready as well to make a difference in myself.

~ Rachel, a student at Hyde Leadership Public Charter School

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