I WAS The Art Project!

Photo from LSP '09

Painting murals

I expected the schools in Paraguay to be different from the schools in the United States, but they are similar. This is true of the students and citizens as well. They are perhaps more gracious to guests than we are in the U.S., however. For example, they fed us very well and played live music for us while we ate our lunch. I was very surprised and impressed that the students all know at least two different languages- Spanish and Guarani.

I was a little disappointed because it was raining so much and we didn´t get a chance to plant any trees. Instead, we painted murals and signs within the school building. The students from the school had many ideas about how to paint the walls and that helped because some of our ideas weren´t that great.

Photo from LSP '09

Tyler—the human canvas

Painting with the students was fun and helped us bond with each other. After I accidentally got some paint on my shirt, I decided to go with it and allow the students to paint on my shirt. They painted messages, pictures, and handprints, and suddenly, I was part of the project! It was very exciting to see everyone working together to accomplish our goals even though there was a slight language barrier. The day was overall very fun and helped bring our group and the students closer together.
Tyler, a student at The Bullis School

4 thoughts on “I WAS The Art Project!

  1. Tyler we miss you and are so proud of you! Love the paintings and the human canvas 🙂 Keep up the good work.

    Dad, Ericka, Lexi, Isa, Eliana, Gabriell, and Dallas.

  2. Tyler we miss you and are so proud of you! Love the paintings and the human canvas 🙂 Keep up the good work.

    Dad, Ericka, Lexi, Isa, Eliana, Gabriell, and Dallas.

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