Making the Most of a Rainy Day

Photo from LSP '09

Torrential Rains

Today, we attempted to complete work at two different schools. But due to the rain, planned work was not able to be completed. We were going to paint murals at the first school and plant flowers and build fences at the second school. I wish we could have done these things because I was very pumped and ready, and then the rain came.

Instead, we had a multicultural exchange which went from learning some Spanish and Guarani to reading books in these languages. Overall, today was a very unscheduled yet fun day! The thing I enjoyed the most was when I was given the task of drawing a small mural on one of the walls of a school building. Even though I didn´t get a chance to finish it, the school administrators really appreciated my efforts!

Harry, a student at Friendship Collegiate Academy

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