A Dose of Reality

Photo from LSP '09

Walking the perimeter of the slum

Today we went to Santa Ana, and it was the place I visited that has most resembled a third world country. We took a small tour of Santa Ana and the farther away from the Community Center we drifted, the worse the living conditions of the citizens became. Some things we saw were pigs eating trash, water filled with trash, and a garbage truck dumping trash next to a shack.

Photo from LSP '09

Doing our own math—in Spanish!

Later on in the day, after playing some interesting games, we split into the groups we will be in during the week. The topics of these groups included health, technology, sports, environment, and two separate art groups. We talked about our plans for the week. These plans include a health fair, recording documentaries, cleaning up parks and streets, and painting murals on the walls of two separate daycare centers. I am excited about beginning the projects and helping the people of this area.

Eamon, a student at Kingsbury Day School

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