Comité de Salud

Here in Santa Ana, I’m working on the Comité de Salud, or in English, Health Committee. Our job is to… well, we have a lot of jobs. But our main focus is to promote good health and hygiene in Santa Ana.

Photo from LSP '09

Sorting donations

In Santa Ana, some people don’t have running water, so it’s hard for them to maintain good health. Also there are no trash collection trucks, so throughout the community there are piles of trash. Many people are left without any option but to burn their trash to prevent huge piles from building outside their homes. Burning trash isn’t only bad for the environment, but also for the health of the people living here.

Right now we are getting ready to start health day in the Divino Niño neighborhood of Santa Ana. We are going to wash some little kids here. It’s going to be fun. The kids here aren’t necessarily very dirty or anything, they just don’t all have the means to stay clean all the time.

I hope that we can leave something for the people here in Santa Ana. It’s not only important for us to do stuff here but to leave our messages behind. That’s the one thing I hope we can do.

Zoe, a student at Bethesda-Chevy Chase High SchoolComité de Salud

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