HOO – Helping Others Out

Photo from LSP '09

Houses in the barrio

I am in the health group – comité de salud. In the health group we go around discussing different topics on health. Today we put together little bags to distribute to families living in Santa Ana which included soap, shampoo, lotion, toothpaste, etc. I noticed the families were very happy to receive these items. Even though it wasn’t much, they were still very happy. The distribution took place in the afternoon. In the morning we had a chance to do something that I personally enjoyed and will never forget. We helped to clean a man’s house and we did things like take apart his bed and clean each piece, cleaned up the dust that had built up in the house, and cleaned up all the glass bottles and papers and recycled them. We also cleaned his clothes-the most interesting part was that we cleaned them by hand in a bucket of soapy water.

Photo from LSP '09

Washing hair

Participating in these various activities made me think about how the people living in Santa Ana make the best of what they have. Even though they are not in the best situations, they still try to make the best of it. On the other hand, there are also some people living in Santa Ana that don’t care. When people try to lend a hand, they just push the help away. When they do that it makes me angry, but that wouldn’t stop me from helping.

Every opportunity I get I will take advantage of to help others. Being in Santa Ana it makes me want to help more.

Nevasha, a student at Central High School

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