
Photo from LSP '09

In front of the cultural center, Santa Ana

With no more than 72 hours remaining, I have become increasingly homesick. My experience in Carapeguá and with my various host families have been very pleasant and I will soon miss the friendly faces and voices of my temporary companions. In the last ten days I have lived as a Paraguayan, sharing experiences and tales that will forever remain near and dear to my heart. My experiences have helped me to come to the realization that life should be shared and adored and that one must make the day his own. Paraguay has exceeded my greatest expectations and has helped to change my mindset to one of continuous generosity, not out of a feeling of superiority but one of unity.

Photo from LSP '09

Kids in Santa Ana

Poverty, in Paraguay at least, is a mindset, a mental barrier – which has affected none of the people I have met. Those who have lacked material possessions are persons of character, strength, determination and people who have experienced pure joy, though their needs surely surpass anything I have seen in the States. In numerous ways I envy their happiness and collectiveness. The children with whom I have been partnered work in cold, wet, seemingly unlivable conditions, right alongside Americans, without complaints or whines. Some of their feet hang outside of their shoes and get dirtied by the mud. As I observe their work I want to swallow my desire to quit and follow in their footsteps. I have come to lead and teach, yet I gain many lessons in humanity.

Today, while I was playing I ripped my pants and was quite ashamed about getting help. I had no way of compensating the gentleman and feared that once more I was the student and they were my teachers.

In this trip and through this particular experience, I have learned that humility is an admirable quality. there are perhaps many more things I can pick up from them in the last few days for the duration of my trip.

I am sincerely and honestly grateful for this experience and the encounters with this program, and the people who I am proud to call my family.

Sam M., a student at Bell Multicultural High School

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