Making a Difference

Photo from LSP '09

After a hard day’s work, LSP ‘09

The 2009 summer LearnServe Trips to Paraguay and Zambia returned in July. As always, there were revelations and defining moments such as this one from Nathan in Paraguay:

This trip had given me a much better perspective on the magnitude of poverty in some places in the world. It has allowed me to reflect on new ways to create sustainable change in communities like Santa Ana. Action must be continued and broadened. Change can not occur without the government recognizing this community. We must continue to take individual actions in the meantime, strengthen programs like Learn Serve, and pioneer others.

And this closing comment from Gaby, one of the Zambia ‘09 leaders:

During our reflections, we unanimously agreed that we would walk away from our experience with much more than we were giving, regardless of how many clothes or donations we brought. We also understood how important it will be to continue the work we started by building awareness of the issues facing the people of Zambia, issues that face many countries in Africa such as HIV/AIDS and clean water.

Photo from LSZ '09

Knowledge illuminates, LSZ ‘09

We must remember that we are here, on this planet Earth that we have the choice to make a difference in the lives of others. I am convinced from reading the blogs that a new generation of young people have experienced life in another country and are equipped with the tools and knowledge to make that difference.

I invite you to read this summer’s Paraguay and Zambia blogs. And in doing so, may the experiences and words of this summer’s travelers encourage you to make that difference in the lives of others.

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