LSI’s 3rd Annual Innovators Coffee House

Photo of a speaker at the coffee house

James speaks

LSI held the 3rd Annual Innovators Coffee House for the Fellows program yesterday. Fellows presented creative, one-minute descriptions of the issues they most care about and the solutions they propose to address them. Some of the ideas are quite advanced while others are still preliminary, and all will evolve over spring semester.

The coffee house ambiance and event format made it more of an open-mic night than a formal meeting. Fellows listened to each others’ presentations with an ear toward who they might collaborate with over the coming months. Venture ideas ranged from providing free golf lessons for low-income students, setting up a student-exchange program between DC area schools to increase diversity, to creating a scholarship program for kids of incarcerated parents. Look for detailed information on all planned ventures on this site soon.

Special thanks to the George Washington University’s School of Business and the Center for Entrepreneurial Excellence, which hosted event.

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