LearnServe Fellows Pitch Social Ventures

42 LearnServe Fellows pitched their “ventures” – innovative plans for transforming their schools and communities – to more than 60 local leaders convened by LearnServe International and partner organization Youth Venture on April 8. The ideas pitched by the student teams included virtual exchanges with schools in Zambia and Burkina Faso, scholarship programs for children of incarcerated parents, HIV/AIDS awareness and outreach, and school-based recycling and solar energy initiatives.

Over the coming two weeks, students will learn whether their teams have received up to $1000 in seed funding for their projects. That same evening, students showcased their ventures to an audience of more than 100 at the first-ever LearnServe Venture Fair which followed the selection panels at the School Without Walls.

Read more about the event in the Northwest Current.  (Click on “No.15 April 14, 2010” — the article is on the front page, left side lower half.)

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