Off to Zambia

This year LearnServe will be sending two groups to Zambia! Representing 12 public, private and charter schools throughout the greater DC area. Group 1 has five adults and ten students while Group 2 has six adults and ten students. The groups have spent six months preparing for their departure. During this time, students and teachers worked together to learn about Zambia, learn about the projects we will be working with in Zambia and planned out activities to use at various sites during our trip. This year, we will be partnering with the same organizations we have worked with for the past three years – The Chikumbuso School, World Bicycle Relief, The Malambu School in Monze, Play Pumps International and the David Kaunda National Technical High School. Returning to the same sites year after year has contributed to the sustainability of the program.

On Sunday, June 13th we had our Farewell Reception at School Without Walls. The room was full of excitement and anticipation as students and parents received final instructions for departure. As the final week of preparations is coming to an end and the our journey to Zambia begins, we hope you will visit our blog regularly as we share our stories and experiences throughout our two and a half week journey.

Finally, thank you to everyone who has made this years trip possible. First and foremost, thank you to the donors who have given students the most generous gift – the opportunity to participate in LearnServe. Thank you to the families, friends and teachers, who have spent a significant amount of time supporting participants – helping them fund-raise for both the trip itself as well as for the projects in Zambia, supporting them through doctor’s visits and filling out forms, making sure they attended our meetings and much much more. Lastly, thank you to all those who contributed material and/or financial donations this year. Thanks to you, our bags are packed to capacity – two 50 lbs. bags each!

Group 1 departs Monday, June 21st at 10 am. Look for our first blog post as we depart and begin our 18 hour journey to Zambia.

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