Days of Travel

Today was probably the most hectic day we’ĺl have all summer. After finishing the 9 hour flight to Sao Paolo, which started Saturday night, we were ready for a good night`s sleep. Instead it had somehow become 5:00a.m. on day 2 of our adventure. Despite the lack of sleep, we’ve had a lot fun during the layovers between flights. Countless card games and excursions looking for a McDonalds have strengthened our friendships even more. Yes, parents we’ve even had time for summer reading.

After the dreary process of sitting on planes and waiting at gates, it seems like we`ve hit the ground running in Paraguay.  We checked into the hotel and feasted on some delicious empenadas for lunch. The highlight of the day, however, was meeting with leaders from Santa Ana`s community center. Domingo and his teammates were unbelievably warm and gracious. We`re all looking forward to leaving tomorrow with Domingo for Isla Puku and meeting our host families. Getting to know everyone provides a comfort for the upcoming homestays because I know I’ll always have friends for support. After our first day in Paraguay, our spirits are soaring high.

-Max Z.
LSP 10

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