People Are People

At the school, we planted gardens, met people from all different grades, and I got in the face with a soccer ball.  At lunchtime, we returned to the organization which provides food for students, Comedor San Roque.  We helped wash hands, serve dishes, and clean silverware.  We also started playing Ninja, a game which followed us back to the school and spread throughout every grade.

Tonight, my host sister, Cati, took me to a birthday party.  Perla and her host sister also went.  It was fun without being overwhelming.  At first, I was completely lost. People were speaking Guarani and Spanish, and Perla and I sat in the corner trying to be inconspicuous.  Eventually, we joined the party, eating and laughing and trying to sing when we didn’t know the words.  I was forced into dancing and made new friends who probably think I am completely insane.


One thought on “People Are People

  1. Wonderful to hear from you all! Sounds like a great beginning. I'm looking forward to your future reports.

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