Second Impressions

So, I’ve got to be honest, my first impression of Paraguay was mixed. Walking out of the airport, I was tired, hungry, and jet-lagged. I remember it was raining and couldn’t help but notice a stray dog near the airport. Not the greatest first impression, but today all of that changed.

It was still raining; I was still tired, but today we were introduced to the high school in the small farmer’s town of Isla Pucú in the Cordillera Department district.  After a quick breakfast and a short bus ride to the high school, I was introduced to an entire school of Paraguayan teens.  Needless to say, my fellow travelers and I were nervous.  If it weren’t for the smiles on the students’ faces, I might have been a little more than nervous.  Next, we were led into a classroom closely followed by what seemed like the entire school.

Sitting in a packed room, we were presented with dance routines, good local food, and covers of “Yellow Submarine” and “My Heart Will Go On” on the harp.  The students were so friendly and welcoming that everyone on the LSP team had a smile on their face.  Afterwards, we were literally mobbed by a crowd of students, all requesting pictures and autographs.  It was a little overwhelming, not to say I wasn’t flattered.

After lunch, we were introduced to the afternoon class, and received the same warm welcome as before.  Right now, it is Tuesday morning, and after a great night with my host family, I find myself looking forward to the day ahead.


3 thoughts on “Second Impressions

  1. I have to say that this post brought a tear to my eye… how fabulous to have those kids performing Yellow Submarine, of all things! You must feel a bit like the Beatles yourselves as these kids treat you like rock stars.

    Keep up the great descriptions. Truly it's such a window into another world when you write this way!

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