First Impressions from Ty’Ronn

I woke up at 6:45AM to the television playing clips of the World Cup. After finishing my breakfast we took a shuttle to Chikumbuso Womens and Orphans Project ( While traveling I noticed that the road started to change from paved cement to Earth road. When we finally arrived at Chikumbuso where we were welcomed by the students with songs and welcome phrases. One person who had a huge impact on  me today was “Teacher Andrew” he is a 5th grade teacher. While shadowing him for no more than 10 minutes, he quickly caught my attention by having his students sing songs and yell to the top of their lungs to get them excited for learning. I really admire his energy and his excitement for teaching. He was also teaching my favorite subject, Math. While learning fractions the kids had to stand and answer questions, this is the type of learning I like. The children in Chikumbuso are fun and intelligent. With the lack of textbooks and resources, I would have never thought of them being so brilliant.

I am still amazed that I am actually here is Africa. (Hi Mom! See you in 17 days.) I feel that this is one of my biggest accomplishments so far. The group that I am with is awesome! It’s amazing how we bonded so fast, and how we worked together, and came together all for one cause, to Learn and Serve while in Zambia. I can’t wait until we build the bicycles, go camping, and work with the rest of the kids tomorrow and Friday.
– Ty’Ronn (LSZ 10 Group 1)



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