A Bittersweet Goodbye

On Friday (June 25th) was LearnServe Zambia Group 1 last day at Chikumbuso. I found myself on the verge of tears several times during the day because I knew we would be leaving and never coming back. In only three days I had formed personal relationships with some of the women, teachers, and children. One girl in particular, named Elida, became a source of encouragement for me. She was thrown out of her house at sixteen, because of a misunderstanding, and before she could make it to Chikumbuso, she was raped. She has a two year old daughter named Kelly and she lives in Chikumbuso. Despite her present situation, I found her to be one of the most optimistic and liveliest there! She taught me a great deal of words in the local language Nyanja. Speaking in Nyanja helped me a lot in bonding with the people there, because they could see that I was making an effort to connect with them and not another common tourist.

Though the departure was sad, the goodbye celebration was very uplifting! The children showered us with poems, scriptures, dances, and songs. We were also able to share a couple of songs, and my all-time favorite dance, the Cupid Shuffle. At the end they thanked us for bringing some joy to their lives, giving them gifts, spending time, and getting to know them, when really they have given us (or at least me) a much more meaningful gifts. I shall never forget the ideals, principals, and love I found in Chikumbuso. I am a more aware and appreciative person from this one experience than I was before!


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