A Day in the Comedor

Each day so far has been filled with new experiences and unforgettable memories. Today we went to a “comedor,” a soup kitchen that feeds children that come from low-income families. We prepared gnocchi with chicken and rice. The women who make the food every day are unbelievably happy and admirable.

I came to Paraguay with no expectations. I wanted to bring an open mind and a positive outlook.  I am glad that I did not have expectations because each day exceeds any expectations I could have dreamed of. So, as I sat at the tiny tables, with miniature chairs, teaching the children to make string bracelets in Paraguayan colors, I was overwhelmed with the happiness that these children exuded!  They all had smiles on their faces despite the hardships they face. I learned about the difficulties many of these children face by hearing the stories they share with us. A five-year boy named Carlitos, was sitting on my lap drawing a picture of his family. I asked Carlitos to tell me about his family, and he described how his mom went to New York when he was a baby, and he hadn’t seen her since. Carlitos lives with his grandmother and four siblings. Like Carlitos, these kids maintain such a positive attitude, relying on each other and the community of Isla Pucu. Being with Carlitos and the other children today truly inspired me to channel their positive attitudes and interactions into my life. My experience at the comedor gave me hope that if things in my life are not going as planned (which is often the case), a positive mindset and kind demeanor towards others will keep my spirits high, as well as those around me.


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