Community water projects, and a welcome BBQ

Yesterday was my first night in Zambia and I slept like a baby! The weather here is beautiful; it’s cool in the mornings and warm in the evenings. I still cannot believe that I’m in Africa! We just finished our group reflection and there are so many new realizations I am mulling over. I feel so fortunate to be experiencing the culture of Zambia with such a diverse and wonderful group of people.

Today we visited two PlayPumps sites and I learned so much. The first site we visited was a rural area thirty minutes outside of Lusaka and we got to see a solar panel that provided water to the residents of the village. This solar panel costs $20,000 and approximately two days to install yet it makes such a significant impact on those peoples’ lives. The children there were very welcoming and seeing their smiles made my day! The second site we visited was Chawama Zocs Community School where the first PlayPump in all of Zambia was installed. The community school is for orphans and also has an elderly care home (the ONLY one in Zambia!) Because of the PlayPump, a new playground was made for the children with beautiful murals, creative structures such as giraffes, and a nice pond. Every turn of the PlayPump brings up five liters of water from the well! It was really exciting to see these sites! I feel so fortunate to be here and cannot wait for the rest of the adventure!

Finally, hi Mom, Dad, Bhai, and Urvi! I miss you guys!


I had a wonderful day today! I experienced some new things, learned more about Zambian culture and met new people. I feel very fortunate to be in such a beautiful country and love how the locals are so friendly. When driving through Lusaka many people waved and smiled at us and the children were also very sociable and excited. After visiting the play pump, we were invited to a cookout. I was astonished to see a whole pig rotating over a fire and I was very curious to see how this meat would be served. At dinner the pork was chopped up and was served with many other dishes and sauces. The food was delicious and I enjoyed every minute of the cookout. After dinner, some locals performed for us by dancing and singing. I loved it mostly because they seemed to be enjoying it as much as I was. I was also very surprised because a man started picking people to dance with them. One of the first people he chose was me! It was very fun and enjoyable even though I can not dance nearly as well as the Zambians.

I can honestly say that I truly enjoyed my first full day in Zambia and this experience will be very memorable. I would encourage anyone to take a trip like this.

PS. Hi Mom and Dad! … Happy Early Birthday!


5 thoughts on “Community water projects, and a welcome BBQ

  1. Jovena we are very proud of you because you accepted the challenge of going soo far away from home to serve others. We miss you very much. I implore you and all your team mates to make the best of this wonderful opportunity. We will enjoy our birthdays. Alex wants to see pictures of you dancing. We pray for the safety of the entire group. Have you seen any interesting animals?

    Love you baby!
    Mom, Dad and Alex

  2. Jovena,
    We are all very proud of you. Sorry you had to go all the way to Zambia to be asked for your first dance. Can't wait to hear all about this. Did you do the Michael Jackson dance, the breakdance, the butterfly or the electric slide? Have some fun while you are serving others. Can't wait for you next blog.
    Love, your favorite Aunt Carrol.
    PS: Jared sends his hello.

  3. Jovena!
    Im glad your having fun in Zambia! Can't wait for you to come back! Stay Safe!
    -Much Love 🙂

  4. Rushika! It sounds like you're having an incredible time. I am so proud of you for taking the life changing journey you are on. I'm happy to hear that you're enjoying it so far, and that you're learning so much. I know you're having lots of fun, and I want you to know that I miss you! I hope to hear more about your adventures soon, and hope you're doing well. I love you!


  5. Rusi,

    We all miss you a lot! Things are not the same without you around. But we know that you are making a difference in so many people's lives, and we're all so proud of you. We hope you're doing well and are happy to know that you're having a great time. We know you will have lots of great stories for us when you're back, and are excited to hear them. Hope to hear again from you soon!

    With lots of love,
    Mom, Dad, Bhai, Urvi and of course Nova

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