Chikumbuso Project

Wednesday was our first long-awaited trip to Chikumbuso School. Our bus pulled through the school gates and greeted with shouts, curious on-lookers, and a lot of dust. After getting off the bus were welcomed with songs and a tour of the campus.

When it came time to divide into our group activities, I was surprised to find that my growing excitement had become infiltrated with nervousness, kind of like stage fright. I had thought through the activities, but I had yet to consider exactly what I would or could say to a third grade student with a language barrier. However, the kids soon proved my apprehension unnecessary with their eager jumps for the soccer ball, their quick answers to questions about hygiene, and their spontaneous smiles.

In the afternoon, we visited with the widows of Chikumbuso who crochet gorgeous bags, bracelets, place settings, and cup holders to support their families and the Chikumbuso Project. As we sat with them through their English singing lesson, one lady offered to show me how she made the bag. I spent the rest of the lesson helping (or mainly watching-it was hard!) her finish making the bag, and was promised a personalized bracelet the next day. Next, the widows granted us a window into their life and culture by teaching us a few traditional songs and dances and by sharing a few of their stories prior to joining the Project. Before we left for the day, we were asked to put aside a few things that we wanted to buy. As my items were being recorded, one widow noticed I was buying one of her items, meaning 70% of the profit would be hers. She ran over and gave me a kiss on the cheek. As a group, we have discussed the idea of  “mental pictures” we would like to leave with; that widow’s kiss is certainly one of mine.


One thought on “Chikumbuso Project

  1. Hi honey, I just realized we could comment on your blog. It may be too late for you to get this, but we just wanted to say thanks for the great description of your experience at the school. It give us a great “mental picture” to enjoy while you're away. We hope the rest of your trip is going well. Looking forward to seeing you and hearing all the details. Take care and have a wonderful time. Love from Mom and Dad.

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