
Paraguay is a wonderful country which, like most of its Latin-American counterparts, is full of stark contrasts.  Here, there is very distinct contrast is between the rich and poor. The poor live a lifestyle that many of us in North America would consider absolute misery. Paraguay has beautiful landscapes amidst the very humble homes made of wood and tin; gorgeous government buildings; spacious school buildings with a heavy shortage of textbooks, supplies, and technology needed to enhance the learning process for students.

Meeting the Paraguayan families, students, teachers, and community leaders, listening to their stories, and working along side them has probably been the most exciting aspect of this trip for me thus far.  It has been especially touching to see the dedication that the teachers/community leaders have shown (and continue to show) to the young people. They care about the future of their students and program participants and really work hard to see them reach their fullest potential. It has really honed in the thought that–regardless of our race, ethnicity, socio-economic status, or gender–people are people, and we all have hopes and dreams, which can best be realized with the help of others.

The LSP10 group has really worked hard to make a positive and strong impact in our short time here. What’s most amazing, though, is that we have probably learned more from those with whom we have been working than they have from us. We have learned how to be grateful for and content with what you have while working hard to get to what you really want!  This experience has definitely helped me to rethink my priorities.


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