LearnServe Zambia 2010 leaves Zambia


Today, The LearnServe Zambia Group 1 left Zambia to return to the US.  Here are some thoughts they shared about their most memorable experiences on the trip:

“When we went back to Chikumbuso, my favorite kid, Micheck was there and we talked for a while.  A teacher walked by and called me his best friend.  This was memorable for me because it made me cry and I really don’t cry that often.”  – Tammy 

“The farewell at the Monze home visits and cooking Nshima at Chikumbuso.” – Domonique M.

“Second most memorable moment – The David Kuanda kids at the museum scavenger hunt!” -Ty’Ronn

“Florence from Chikumbuso – teaching me to crochet & giving me a gift when we left.” -Catherine

“Teaching the children at Monze the song “Amein, Amein” and singing it with them as we walked to the field.” -Emma

“Victoria Falls.” -Yasmine, Ayinde, Raissa, Domonique

“When we were leaving Monze, I was playing with a few little kids & showing them some hand gretings.  We weren’t talking but they were thrilled to learn the hand greetings.  And once they learned a new one they all wanted to do it with me over and over again.” -Grace

“Playing kickball with kids at Chikumbuso.” -Raissa

“I will also remember the day I walked into two homes in the Ngombe Compound (where Chikumbuso is) while being in Lusaka.  That moment changed me to see how most Zambians live having no electricity and no space to walk or eat.” -Eriel

LSZ1 co-leader



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