April 7: LearnServe Panels and Venture Fair!

On Thursday, April 7 at the School Without Walls our 2011 LearnServe Fellows will pitch their “social venture” ideas — plans to make a difference in their schools and communities — to a panel of community leaders, for the opportunity to get up to $1000 to get their projects off the ground!

The Panel presentations will be followed by our second annual Venture Fair and Reception featuring the social innovations of all our LearnServe Fellows.

We hope you will join us!  RSVP to rsvp (at) learn-serve.org.

Doors open at 5:30pm; Panels begin promptly at 6pm and the Venture Fair begins at 7pm.

The School Without Walls is located at 2130 G St in Foggy Bottom; parking lot available at 22nd and H ST NW, DC.

The LearnServe Fellows’ Panels and Venture Fair is hosted by LearnServe International, in partnership with Youth Venture.

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