Central High Creek Cleanup to Celebrate Earth Day

On Thursday, April 14 LearnServe Fellow KP Missana and his Central High School team celebrated Earth Day early, cleaning the Cabin Branch Creek that runs through Central’s campus.  “There’s so much pollution,” KP shared with the Gazette, “erosion, lots of pollution, chairs, oil, tires — basically everything that would harm an animal or human.”

The team of 40 students, Central Principal Fletcher James, and a host of local environmental organizations removed 55 tires, a rusted refrigerator, and dozens of trash bags.  Read more about their efforts in the Gazette.

KP is one of more than 50 LearnServe Fellows from nearly 30 high schools across DC, Maryland, and Virginia who presented their social venture projects at the LearnServe Panels and Venture Fair earlier this month.  Their projects were reviewed by panels of more than 100 local business and non-profit leaders recommending the students for seed grants of up to $1,000 to get their projects off the ground.

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