Dos and Don’ts of Travelling to Zambia

Top Ten Dos and Don’ts of Travelling to Zambia from Washington, DC

(tips for next years travellers inspired by Sam’s Glamour Magazine reading in the Addis Airport)

1.  Get up and explore on the plane–you never know who you might meet.
2. Take brief walks to meet others in different parts of the plane–it might come in handy if you need to swap seats.
3. Bring your own entertainment (an e-reader and/or and MP3 player is helpful)–don’t rely on the in flight entertainment to be awesome.
4. Expect to hear one (or more) crying babies.
5. Be openminded. Be ready for ANY experience.
6. Expect to be asked for money in exchange for carrying your bags outside the airport at Lousaka. Be polite when you tell them no.
7. Make sure there is toilet paper in the stall before you use the bathroom (see Brittney’s post on 6/24)
8. Keep checking on status of flight during any layover.
9. Talk to those around you, but do it respectfully.
10. Bring snacks to supplement the food (that “was beef” but may not necessarily still be).
11. Be ready to talk about LearnServe International…everyone asks because of the t-shirts. And they love to hear our plans!
1. Spill your drink on your neighbor and then be rude about it!
2. Fall asleep with your mouth open–at least when Jeremy has his camera ready.
3. Start a converstation until the very end of the flight so that you are not obligated to talk the whole time.
4. Get locked in your new room with no way to get out until your roommate returns.
5. Overwhelm the touchscreen of your in flight entertainment–you’ll be frozen on a still screen of a pool game for the final 8 hours of the flight like Nadja.
6. Pack necessary medicines in your checked bags like Jon.
7. Sleep on the aisle–you WILL get pummeled by the food cart. BEEF OR FISH! BEEF OR FISH!
8. Expect the same physical boundaries that we respect in the US when flying with a majority of travellers from another culture.
9. Repeatedly kick the seat in front of you THROUGHOUT THE DURATION of a long flight.
10. Go to sleep when they are about to serve food…especially when you are anxious about flying in the first place like Jerome.

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