LearnServe Jamaica Day 3: School Daze – A day in stories (1 of 3)



Today's blogger, Marwa

Welcome to the Learn Serve Jamaica Summer 2011 blog. My name is Marwa and I’m a rising junior from Annandale, Virginia and I’m going to share with you my experience on day three of our Jamaican service trip.

Now as some of you may already know, while the past few days have been training and learning, today was the first real day of physical service where we ventured out into schools that are partnered with KBC Learning to assist students with their literacy issues.

We were forewarned to expect the worst when it came to the students. I personally expected to be walking into a trap with untamed children grabbing at my clothes and skin. For the most part the day with the St. Alban’s students was very productive and interesting. Each of us had a different experience that stood out in our memories, but for now I’ll just give you a quick glimpse into the events of my day.

And, on a side note I really enjoy writing poetry and short stories so I’ll be giving my account in a poetic form. Feedback is welcome!

The student's loved to play with Marwa's hair

The arrival.

Open arms and welcoming smiles,

Warm greetings and curious eyes.

We are foreigners, aliens yet they treated us

As a part of the community, once all their probing questions were answered of course.

Our mission was to help and through these little steps that we take each day we walk closer to the bigger picture. A world that is so much bigger than we can imagine, a world that we are only such a small part of.

Today was a day filled with new experiences and surprising reactions.

Was I extremely hot? Yes.

Was I frustrated? Yes.

Even confused at times? Yes.

But as I look back on the events of the day those pesky details fall between the cracks and all I can remember are a whirlwind of excited energies, raw passions to discover and learn, and a few sticky hands.




and all my new little friends gave me a new definition for the word potential. I could see the tiny wheels turning, as they absorbed the new information that was given to them. Information that supplied these students with fundamental knowledge. Knowledge that is the key to their education, the key to their future.

Bright minds.

Capable hands.

Youthful energies.

Are all attributes that come to mind when trying to describe what I witnessed in the few short hours I spent with the St. Alban’s students. And still, these mere words on a screen do not do justice to paint an accurate picture of Jamaica’s students. In all honesty, the pure goodness of their minds and hearts will forever be imprinted upon my memory.

These students embraced us in their culture,

no prejudices,

no complaints.

The future lies in their hands; and although I and the rest of the Learn Serve volunteers make up only a small part of their overall journey towards a better education, I’m glad I had the opportunity to contribute that small part to the best of my ability. Not only for them, but also for me and my personal journey to became a better person and a better leader. Can’t wait to see all of their bright faces again on Wednesday!

One thought on “LearnServe Jamaica Day 3: School Daze – A day in stories (1 of 3)

  1. Wow! This seems to be so exciting and fun as well. Way to go LSI fellows! I am really proud of you all. The pics look great Marwa, seems like you have been admired. Have  also to mention that your writing is just beautiful. Sawsan MagidMarwa’s mom

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