LearnServe Jamaica Day 3: School Daze – A day in stories (2 of 3)

St. Alban's: the Cave

In the year of 2040, a group of students traveled and traveled, eventually stumbling across this long lost island of Jamaica. They were lost and surrounded by hundreds of trees with tropical fruits in them. While digging through the trees, trying to find their escape route, they came across this cave named St. Alban’s.


Suddenly Maquita (Maisha) remembered that she had read about this cave that had been lost for hundreds of years after a trecherous hurricane. There was an old tale that this cave was once invaded with wild hunter children who loved the smell of fresh foreign blood. It was also said that, the only way off the island, was through the cave.

Fearful for their lives, the group of students prayed together before entering the cave. Ralphamel (Ralph), the only male in the group, was chosen to go first. Upon entering the cave, everything seemed calm. Then suddenly, just as the students were relieved, hundreds of hunter children bombarded them with foreceful hugs and pulling of their hair and clothes.

The kids!

After ten minutes of fighting, the group decided to split in two. One group ran to the right, landing in a creepy and dark laboratory. The other group ran to the left, landing in a stony library. Each group decided the only way to calm the kids was to help them. While in the laboratory, it was discovered that the kids had mac-book 487’s. The students decided to help them learn English since they only spoke Patois 104.

Ralphamel in the laboratory

After long and hard work, Ralphamel found it easy to help the kids. He worked with a young girl named Tic-Toc who was bright and had a great personality. Suddenly she began to speak English. A few minutes later the others began to speak it too. Their job was done!


The students in the laboratory were set free by the kids and found their way back home. The students in the stony library were never seen again.


Note: This is a dramatic story about Ralph’s experience at St. Alban’s. Some names have been altered and dramatics added for the storyline.

Our storyteller, Ralph

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