Day 5 – el 29 de junio

Every day we eat as a group at a place in Isla Pucu named Comedor San Roque which feeds the poor kids in the neighborhood. One of the three projects we are doing for the week is painting a mural of the world at the comedor. This is what my group is doing. We are making the mural so that kids understand their surroundings and where thigns are in the world, and it looks nice on the wall of the comedor.

We started by making a grid, and there were about 1500 little squares in the grid. First we draw the borders of the country for each square, and then we draw it on the map. While we work the little kids hang around and I play with them. It is really fun even though I get destroyed in soccer by 9-year-olds. Also, a kid named Ricardo came up and tried to give David a present that cost him 32000 guarani ($8). This made me wonder, Did he need this money for food? This is just one example of the kind of selfless people that we meet here in Paraguay. After he gave the gift he started crying out of mixed emotions, knowing that we would be leaving on Friday. David, Joe and I all gave him a big hug.

My host family is awesome because they are so hospitable. I am having such a great time and I don’t want to leave. But don’t worry, I got souvenirs for Mom, Dad, Maia, Yardena and Elan.

— Jeremy

7 thoughts on “Day 5 – el 29 de junio

  1. Sounds like you are all doing great things and feeling good.  Aaron, how’s everything?  I’m at Poppa’s now and we send our love!

  2. great post-loved reading every word. The sadness you feel about leaving and the sentiment about Ricardo is touching.. all the feelings can happen so fast when you are in a living situation like you’re experiencing. Get addresses…this doesn’t have to be the end, only the beginning of a friendship…you can say , “so long” and not “goodbye”. love you. keep on enjoying every minute. mom

  3. I miss you, Jeremy.  Your experiences sound wonderful and unforgettable.  Thanks for sharing about contacts with the kids and hospitality of your host family.  Please take pictures, and can you lend me $1000 guarani? 
    Besitos, Papi

  4. I miss you, Jeremy.  Your experiences sound wonderful and unforgettable.  Thanks for sharing about contacts with the kids and hospitality of your host family.  Please take pictures, and can you lend me $1000 guarani? 
    Besitos, Papi

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