Day 6- el 30 de junio

Today was the last day we worked at our three work sites in Isla Pucu.  Mine was La Escuela Grande.  We worked with kindergarteners and second graders on different things such as brushing their teeth and washing their hands.  The kids knew a lot of the information we talked about, which really surprised me because we thought they wouldn’t.  We played an intense game of handball, these kids love that game!  Going to La Escuela Grande taught me to appreciate what we have in the U.S. and admire the hard work along with the effort the teachers put into teaching the kids in Isla Pucu.  The kids from the second grade were so excited to work with us, which made it even more fun. I loved working with them because of the interest they showed in us and what we were teaching them.  The children here in Isla Pucu have an enormous amount of potential, they just don’t have the resources to fully reach their goals.  Being in Isla Pucu reminded me so much of home, from the school to the kids to the home and the community.  Isla Pucu is so much my own barrio in the Dominican Republic.  La Escuela Grande is in even better condition than the school I used to attend while living in my country.  I love it here because we are more than foreigners, we are part of the community.  They call us by our names in the street, they hug us, they play with us, and everything.  It will be very hard to leave this new place we’ve grown to call home, but at least I know I’ve left a permanent mark on the people I worked with, just as they have left a permanent mark on my life.  Like Domingo said, I will now look at the world map, point to Paraguay, and say “I have a family and a home there” with a big smile on my face as I remember all the wonderful memories we shared in this inspirational country.
– Daniela

3 thoughts on “Day 6- el 30 de junio

  1. ThanKs so much for sharing your trip with us, Daniela. It is interesting to me that you are able to view your experience in Paraguay and compare it to your native country. Hugh

  2. ThanKs so much for sharing your trip with us, Daniela. It is interesting to me that you are able to view your experience in Paraguay and compare it to your native country. Hugh

  3. Joe, The children here at camp miss you very much. A deer came and ate many of our crops. All of the postings from your group have allowed us to have such a great ” visual and mental look” of your experiences.  You all sound very involved and caring. Thank you. Susan

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