Kylie’s Reflection on the Malambu School

Today was our second day at the Malambu School where we worked with the students again and also started the mural. The mural was a beauitful map of the world and the children loved it. The most interesting part of the day was the visitor who came to talk to us at dinner, Thea. Thea owns the farm where Moorings campsite and the Malambo school both are located.  Although hearing about the farm was very interesting, the most fascintating part of the evening was hearing about the work that Thea has done in the community. Thea is a doctor who started a non-profit to raise money to buy ARVs for all of the workers on the farm affected by HIV/AIDs. Thea also will pay 2/3 of the fees for the high school education of every child on the farm with the hope that this valuable education will help them further themselves and their lives.
The great bond of trust and respect Thea and the farm workers have was amazing. She understands their struggles and tries to help them in all the ways that she can. She has created an incredible atmosphere on the farm where the people feel safe, valued and welcome. The Zambians on the farm constantly express their graditude to Thea and Thea expresses her graditude for everything that they have taught her. I was deeply touched to see how much the Zambian people appreciate the most simple, basic acts of kindness. They have been so welcoming and the farm has been a lovely place to temporarily call home.
(Kylie Kirstein)

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