LearnServe Jamaica Day 9 – The Peak

The writer, Gabrielle

Hello Readers! Today, I am going to tell you about one of our group activities – our hike to the highest peak in the Caribbean, the Blue Mountain Peak. The hike was difficult and very long. Sometimes I didn’t know why I was doing it. Other times I felt joy flowing through my veins because I was doing something that I didn’t think was possible for me. Whenever I started to get frustrated there was always someone cheering me on, from the tour guides to the other members of the hike. The mountain seemed like it was helping me and cheering me on, too. Every time I needed to take a break there was always a little spot where I could stop and rest.

The mountain peak itself was very disappointing. I only got to see the sun rise for a few seconds before the clouds blocked the view. However the sense of accomplishment of what I had just done, had taken over that horrible negative feeling. I am not going to lie, at the top of the peak, it was ice cold freezing, it felt like I was in winter all over again.

But through my frustration and annoyance, I was able to see how much I accomplished and got a sense of the amazement of what I just did. I just climbed the highest peak in all of the Caribbean! Even though I was frustrated and I wanted to give up, I felt really proud of myself. As I was coming off of the mountain, I decided to leave my negative attitude behind. The things that I would like to leave at the peak of the mountain are the idea of “I can’t”, frustration, the idea of impossibilites, stopping when it gets tough, and a negative attitude. On the other hand, some things I would like to bring down from the mountain are the sense of accomplishment, the satisfication of completing something that was deemed impossible, and gratefulness.

Some day in the future I will climb that mountain again and I will be having the time of my life.

2 thoughts on “LearnServe Jamaica Day 9 – The Peak

  1. Gabrielle—the mountain really taught you some lessons. Often the hardest challenges are the very ones we need to face and from which we learn the most about ourselves. Congratulations.


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