Bryon on Victoria Falls and Safari

Today was great… was the most adventurous day of the trip we visited one of the seven natural wonders of the world: Victoria Falls. This is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.  The water clashing amongst the rocks was so amazing. As Nadja screamed “Oh my God!” I ran across the bridge with Jeremy, and we got completely soaked. After we got over the bridge, we ventured through the many points of Victoria falls. I got several pictures of rainbows in the mist and saw bunge jumpers. As I was crossing back to the dry side, I actually opened my eyes this time. This bridge is so dangerous, but beautiful at the same time.
After viewing the majesty of the falls, most of the LSZ group hiked down the side of Victoria Falls. Although the hike was hard (and even harder with wet clothes), we made it down and it was completely worth it. It was like a whirlpool of beauty…just the force of the water pushing into one cycling spot was utterly and mind boggling. I can’t believe that something this beautiful could exist in nature. As we were coming up, we were greeted by tons of baboons. At the top, we went to the Victoria Falls market which was utterly ridiculous. The venders were very pushy with their prices.
Although Victoria Falls was amazing, the African safari was just as amazing. On  safari we saw an an elephant,  zebras, giraffes, impalas, wildebeasts, and so much more. Just when the Safari was getting a little bit dry, we stopped at this nice picnic area, saw two great big hippos, and took a great photo montage.
After all of that we ended our day at this place called the Art Cafe. This place had alot of atomsphere and the nicest Canadian couple owned it.  Although the food was awful (the meat was meatless), the characters there were very colorful because there was a reggae concert called Yes Africa taking place.
This was the most adventourous day of the trip, and we did so much. I am looking forward to the rest of the trip and hopefully Chikumbuso will be good. I am anxious because I don’t want to get too personal with the kids. The Malambu kids were really great and honestly life changing. They taught me so much about how serious education is and how you should not take it for granted. Although I know what I am saying sounds very cliche, having this experience has been life changing. I know if I was in that situation, I would not be able to focus on my education like these kids did. They are very respectful and that respect will get them far. One thing that is many Americans lack is  respect. These kids are so grateful and they are special is because the gratefulness is geunine. But now I am going on a tangent and neeed to get back on point today was the most adventurous day of the entire trip. It was great.
p.s. I just met this group  8 days ago and I already feel like I have known them for years. I love these guys. Jeremy is really awesome and humorous, Gaby is a great leader and really pretty, and everybody is just great. I am having a great trip.
(Bryon Ford)

3 thoughts on “Bryon on Victoria Falls and Safari

  1. Byron–great to read your blog and how much the trip has affected you and your response to the other members of your group. Congratulations and eager to hear how the entire trip and experience works out for you and the other people on LSZ.

  2. WOW! Bryon This Is A Great Reflection!! Zambia Is Like The Best LS Trip To Me!!! Its So Amazing. I’m Glad That You Are Enjoying Yourself While Learning, Experiencing New Things, and Meeting New People. This Trip Was MADE For You!! So Continue To Embrace All That Zambia Has For You, I Can’t Wait To Hear Your Stories… Did You All Go To Chikumbuso Yet?

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