LearnServe Jamaica Day 10: Inspiration


The Blue Mountain Project expected a lot from me. The activities that I was faced with caused me to think “I can’t…” but my host family and two other people gave me the extra push I needed. They are special to me and have been my motivation.

The host family I stayed with at Blue Mountain was friendly and welcoming. The father of the family, Richard, always wanted to satisfy my requests. I asked many questions about his work as a farmer. He answered every question as accurately as he could. I have a greater appreciation for farmers because of the honest answers he gave me. He exposed me to the depths of farming besides having a field. Most of the nights, I helped him shell coffee beans. His dedication to getting as many coffee beans as possible was very motivational to me and I used his sense of hope to fulfill the expectations of the Blue Mountain Project. The activity was new to me, but he allowed me to be a part of the work. I felt great about being able to help him prepare.

Ralph and Gabby were the two other people who pushed me. Like everyone else, I met Ralph and Gabby the first day of this journey, but I built a relationship with them rather quickly. Their uniqueness inspire me in different ways. Ralph is down to earth and has a postive way of venting, while Gabby has the ability to remain energetic after every activity. Ralph’s postive attitude towards frustration and discomfort is something that I try to emulate as a volunteer. Gabby’s high energy erases the tension that the group sometimes has. Her eagerness revives me. I noticed their talents best after I hiked the most difficult, back breaking, knee popping, journey- meant-for-television mountain that I ever had to face. From the lessons that I’ve learned from Ralph and Gabby, I have decided to leave some bad habits behind, in order to feel accomplished and enjoy the rest of the trip. Some of those habits are regreting what’s already been done, giving up, not asking for help and being closed minded.
