LearnServe Jamaica, Day 13: In Sync

Well, this is my last official blog for the Learn Serve Jamaica 2011 trip. I have to say that this experience was far more than I could have ever dared to imagine. Today was our last day of work in our last project at Scott’s Hall Primary School. We only have a weekend left and I plan to make the most of it. I will always cherish the time spent here with all my fellow volunteers that I can now genuinely call friends. I have no doubt that we’ll stay in touch and plan to visit Jamaica again to further continue the work we started here.

The Learn Serve group was such a cooperative team and our projects couldn’t have been completed without everyone’s sweat, effort, and unwavering determination. We set goals and then made them a reality. Seeing this process take place before my eyes in such a short period of time was incredibly wondrous.

You see we weren’t just a team of people but more like a unique machine, made up different components.

In harmony, in sync.

Working together, an unbreakable link.

Like busy bees, paving a way

For a better lifestyle, than they’re living today.

Tensions running high and time running low.

The true reason for our arrival becoming harder to show.

But that’s when we stepped up our game; plans were set.

And we came out with a finished product, the paint’s still wet!


Uncensored sense of pride.

We achieved; it made me so happy I could have cried.

And cheered loud for joy, because at the end of the day

We gained so much more than I could ever say.

The lessons I learned here I hope to carry with me for the rest of my life. Because I learned that it’s okay to get dirty. I learned that one small job still adds to the big picture. I learned that I shouldn’t be ashamed of my weaknesses. And last but not least, I learned that there’s no better beauty than that of nature itself. Thank you for reading my blog and hope you all enjoy the rest of your summer!


One thought on “LearnServe Jamaica, Day 13: In Sync

  1. You have a magic way with words Marwa that makes your blogs a beautiful poem.
    It reflects an experience full of sincerity, enthusiasm, and excitement. Good for you!

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