Dia 15 – el 9 de julio

Today was the last day for all the Santa Ana, San Jose, and LearnServe people to hang out. in the morning, Fernanda and I got ready for lunch at Macarena’s house. We ate food at Mac’s house, then watched the first half of the soccer game between Paraguay and Brazil. So many people came over to Mac’s house just to watch the game. This reminded me of my home, and how everyone in my family goes to my uncle’s house just to watch the Redskins’ football game.
After lunch at Macarena’s house, Fer and I went back to her house to get ready for the party at Santa Ana, and to watch a little bit more of the soccer game. After we got ready, we headed to Hotel Chaco to meet up with the rest of Learn Serve and San Jose. The vans were there, and we hopped in to be on our way to the Santa Ana farewell party for LearnServe. Once we got there, the music was playing and everyone was either socializing or dancing. There were refreshments for everyone. Once everyone got settled, we watched a slideshow of pictures of everyone in the three groups working in the Santa Ana neighborhood. Overall, everyone had a great time and we laughed a lot.
After saying our farewells to Santa Ana, LearnServe and San Jose headed back to Hotel Chaco and then to Clara’s house for a last farewell party. Even though it wasn’t as hype as the Santa Ana farewell party, we laughed even more at Clara’s house. Towards the end, people left one by one saying their goodbye’s to San Jose. This has been an amazing week getting to know people and feeling like you’ve known them forever, even though it’s only been seven days. This will be really hard leaving this place, but we will always remmeber them, and they will never forget us.

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