LearnServe Zambia has arrived!

We arrived safely and on time without any incidents. Each flight was embraced and welcomed as a new and learning experience. Everyone seemed to be excited and anxious to see and meet the other students they will be working with. So parents relax, and look forward to being a part of your child’s Zambian experience via this blog each evening or morning when possible. Each student will be given the opportunity to express their thoughts, reactions and views of the day. So look for your child’s reflection.

Tenena Grymes (School Without Walls) reflections of day one:

Stepping into the Dulles airport on June 20, 2012 was a first time for me. I was beyond scared and nervous but I knew at that point there was no turning back, especially from a wonderful experience such as this one. For weeks and weeks I was told what the plane ride would be like and what I should do and what I shouldn’t do. Also, what to bring but I still felt unprepared. Today was all about getting to Zambia safe and sound. The first plane ride to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia was the longest! This plane ride was filled with nothing but movies, TV shows, talking, playing cards, and even walking around the plane a couple of times. Even after doing so much the plane ride was STILL not over, and we began counting down the hours and minutes until we saw land again. When we first hit ground the only thing I can think was, “LAND!” People were so ecstatic to be at Addis Ababa that they clapped when we landed. Stepping off the plane felt like heaven. It felt unusual because of the time differences as well. In the Airport, people gave us slight dirty looks, maybe because the women expected us to blend in but we stood out with our bright yellow shirts and uncovered heads. You can start to get the sense of how different Africa and the United States are when it comes to personal space. Personal space is not as important in Africa as it is in the United States. My first plane ride was an experience I will not forget.

The best part of today that I would like to point out was the support and bonding we created on this trip so far. My fellow teammates helped me through the “take off “ and the “landing” tribulation of each flight. They help to reassure me that there was nothing to it and to, “ just chew your gum to help me relax and enjoy the experience.” Today, I learned to accept support when needed, especially the positive support, that taught me you can overcome your fears. I look forward to creating stronger bonds and taking in everything I can no matter how small and how big. I’m so glad that we made it safe and I cannot wait to see what this country has in store for me and the rest of the group.

3 thoughts on “LearnServe Zambia has arrived!

  1. Tenena, I am so glad to hear that you handled this new experience as just that a new experience. It is truly a life lesson. It will help you not only in the weeks to come, but months and years to come.
    Enjoy the journey
    Tracy Cunningham

  2. Tenana, thank you very much for sharing your thoughts and experience on the trip thus far. Please tell Chloe,” her Dad loves her and misses her, enjoy the trip, her friends, and embrace the experience”. Have fun and enjoy to all!!!!
    Mike Loving

  3. I am so happy that you all made the trip safely. I hope that you really enjoy this trip and learn from it. GIve Nani a hug for me and tell her Thank you and Give your self a hug from Mommie. Enjoy your journey. Mommie

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