Paraguay Day 2 – A Day to Remember in Isla Puku

 What a day!  Our second day in Paraguay was sure one to remember!  After a two hour bus ride into the warm welcome of Isla Puku, we really did get to feel at home.  Who knew how many people would gather to celebrate our welcome?  After the traditional dances, the home land presentations from the Learn Serve group, and the Paraguayan foods we were given, we really felt like the people of Isla Puku were excited we were there.  After a short walk through one of the barrios (neighborhoods), we arrived at the small comedor (soup- kitchen) where w  met many of the younger children.  The warm empandas and rice were delicious considering how unexpectedly cold it was outside.  Playing with the kids after lunch got a little crazy when a mad game of Paraguayan tag broke loose.  Speaking with the kids from ”el colegio” (the high school) after lunch was a nice way to learn about some of the things kids our age enjoy.  You might be wondering, “What, where is the soccer?  They are in Paraguay, right?” Well this is that is what happened next!  Fútbol!  We decided to play LearnServe versus Isla Puku and you can only guess who won…

We closed the day by reflecting on someone who had impacted us individually during the day.  The two women who run the soup kitchen impacted me a lot.  I was very moved by everything they do to make sure each child in the neighborhood can be provided with a meal.  Finally, we got to go to our host families!  It was very comforting to be welcomed into a stranger’s home and have them be so interested in who you are.  Although there was no daughter my age living in the house, I felt as though I made a connection with the mother.  Now that I feel settled in, the only thing I have to get used to is waking up to the sound of chickens at 6:00 am!

Maddy S.

4 thoughts on “Paraguay Day 2 – A Day to Remember in Isla Puku

  1. Dearest Midge,
    Really enjoyed your description of your day, hope the rest of your
    adventure is as eye opening and rewarding. Love, Aunt Catherine
    and Beckett.

  2. Dear Madeline, i was thrilled that your Mom shared your blog with me. i so enjoyed reading about your day in Isla Puku. I do hope the rest of your stay is as enjoyable as today. I hope I am on the “sharing list” for the remainder of your stay. Love, Julia

  3. I loved reading about your day, your home family, and the impact of the women who work in the comedor. Sounds like you are having a good time and learning a lot.


  4. Wow! What an adventure! And lovely writing too. We love following your travels in Paraguay!
    Aunt Julie and UncleKen

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