Jamaica Day 2 – Village Visits in the Blue Mountains

 When we got to Jamaica yesterday, I did not expect to be treated to kindly by the locals. When I met my host mother I was astonished at how kindly and warmly Hanna accepted myself and my other roommates. The next morning when we woke up and looked out of the window and saw the most amazing view of the mountains, it literally took my breath away. After a delicious breakfast cooked by Hanna, my roommates and I were ready to start the day. We hiked for about five minutes to the Penlyne Castle clinic that is run by the Blue Mountain Project.

When we got to the clinic I was amazed at how small it was. It’s a full service medical clinic and it tries to access as many people as possible, it is such a tiny facility, when we all sat down in the clinic we all just fit in. Then Euton, Hanna’s husband and a coordinator for the Blue Mountain Project, started to brief us on the day’s activities.   At first he gave us a choice of either visiting the elderly or going on a farm tour. In the end, however, it was decided that we would all go to visit the elderly and to the farm. When we visited the elderly, I was amazed to discover that these people have lived in the Blue Mountains all of their lives. By being able to ask the elderly questions about living in the mountains and about how they lived, I felt closer to understanding the culture. That day we visited three elderly homes that were pretty spread out over the entire mountainside of Penlyne Castle. Walking along the road was LONG and exhausting; however, it was worth it to see the elderly get medical attention and to ask them about their lives.

After the visiting the elderly, we went to lunch back at Euton’s house which was delicious, and group bonding time at Euton’s house. After lunch we took a tour of Euton’s coffee farm. I thought it was interesting to see how Blue Mountain coffee was grown and was surprised at how the coffee is grown so simply. I liked the variety of plants that Euton has grown on his farm such as sugar cane, carrots, and even Christmas trees! All in all it was a good day and fun day! I noticed that everyone got along and was enjoying themselves and I am looking forward to the rest of the trip.


Robin Peterson

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