Paraguay Day 7 – Tooth Brushing

 I never knew how much kids needed each and every one of us until I saw it with my own eyes.  As I walked around the comedor, I saw children that had teeth like a 70 year old man because they never brush their teeth or they didn’t know how to.  We had the opportunity to provide toothbrushes and then set an example of how to brush.  Washing the children’s hair was amazing – just seeing the smiles on their faces. As the children watched, they got an idea of how to wash their own hair.  The more I examined my surroundings, I saw that the kids don’t ever wash their hands.  They looked on as we demonstrated how to wash your hands correctly.  The children came with us to the health clinic and got a physical exam.  Hopefully they will get to go back to the clinic to get their medicine if they need it and also go for another physical.

After helping the kids, we went walking around the outskirts of Isla Pucu.  I noticed how many cows there were and how poor the people are there.  When we stop to think about it, we know we can try to help everyone but will not be able to.  At least the women at the comedor are providing for their community, and we can be there to support them.  Later we got ready to go listen to the harp concert and had a bonfire and danced a lot.  As our time was coming up to an end, we said our goodbyes and hope what we did here had a great impact on the community and its people.

Briana N., Columbia Heights Education Campus

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